Picture at end of this directory.
If one of these websites is no longer in existence let me know. (or duplicate.)
My goal will be to cull out links to websites that are dead and to add in new websites as I discover them.
They are not going to be in any particular order. If you want to have a site added let me know in the comments with the link.
Allowed and not wanted. But please do suggest websites.
My policy will be no scat, zoo, pedo or plain porn. Nothing wrong with porn, but this is the art page. Also, no stealth transman “gay” art, I am not going to recommend art which is pushing that agenda. There is such a thing unfortunately. If you find an art page below that you believe doesn’t belong please let me know.
Also, it needs to have been intentionally for a Gay audience. I am not going to be really doctrinaire on this, but websites of various ancient Greek male nude statues or the endless academic male nude drawings by someone isn’t likely to be of interest either. This is for art created for Gays. However, given the complexities of art, some website might take Greek statues and make it directed toward Gays or some collection of academic art will need to be included. Suggest anyways, if I see the intent, or the value, the site is in.
Art which shows the Gay artists obvious hostility towards being Gay, or having problems with being Gay or problems with homosexual desire isn’t wanted either. There are some artists which make a policy of not showing a penis for some ideological reason. I don’t require a penis to be in a piece of art, but I am not going to promote artists which have a fear of a penis either.
Gay art can be other things besides figurative art, long as it is Gay oriented. I do the Gay hex-color as a theme for this Substack.
Art that is clearly racist in intent isn’t wanted.
I am not going to judge the quality of the art. It might be truly poor, but I am not going to be judging. Also, leather, BDSM, etc. is also welcome. It isn’t my type of art, but this isn’t the art page limited to what gives Ed Sebesta a hardon.
There aren’t going to be links for just a single piece of art. It has to be a website, etsy, instagram, etc. I will have a webpage for galleries that specialize Gay art elsewhere. This page is for individual artists. Also, I will have another page for videos about Gay art and yet another page for articles.
Finally, I want to include Gay art of different types and different races.
I am interested in art that builds identity and the will to action but your art doesn’t have to be didactic. Gay art inherently does that. If I am missing something important, make sure you have a link to what I am missing so I can add it in. Don’t make some complaint without giving me information to correct the problem.
In some cases the link is to the artist’s general page and at that page there will be a link to his art directed towards a Gay audience.
The link to the general Gay Art Page is at the end of this list. It has links to Facebook Gay Art groups and other valuable information.
Lloyd Walton http://www.lloydwalton.com/figure_painting.html
Richard Vyse https://www.instagram.com/artbyvyse/
Brad Welch https://www.bradwelchart.com/
George Towne https://www.georgetowneart.com/-main-artwork-recent-paintings/1
Cody Furguson http://codyfurguson.com/
Douglas Simonson https://douglassimonson.com/
I owned several pieces by Douglas Simonson. His art involved men of many different races.
Marc Debauch http://www.marcdebauch.com/
Rudd Van Straten http://www.ruudvanstraten.com/
Denews Fronteras https://www.patreon.com/denewsfronteras
Richard Stabbert https://www.instagram.com/rstabbert/
Bastiaan Mol His instagram and website have disappeared. If anyone knows what his current website or instagram is, please let me know in the comments.
Brock Archer https://www.brockarcher.net/
Gay Wonderland, artist unknown. https://www.facebook.com/thegaywonderland/
David Ador https://www.facebook.com/david.ador.39
Rene Farias https://web.marcelforart.com/rene_farias https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/marc-debauch
Gabriel Morgado https://www.etsy.com/shop/Bodyp4rtsByMorgado
George Hayes https://www.etsy.com/shop/GeorgeHayesArt
Leonardo Arturo Sanchez https://www.instagram.com/leoartsart/
Javier Trelis http://www.javiertrelis-artista.com/
Alex and Alex https://www.artbyalexandalex.com/store
Juanmi Rodriguez a.k.a. Onemi Draw https://www.instagram.com/jmy.maleinart
JTM Stained glass https://www.instagram.com/jtm.artworks
Manolo Yanes http://www.manoloyanes.com/
Kou Shou https://twitter.com/hap_penise
Dandy Queer art https://www.dandyqueerart.com/
Anthony Casasanto https://www.anthonycasasanto.com/collections/164702
Gay drawings. https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/GayDrawings
Omar Chaves Viteri https://omarchavesviteri.artstation.com/
LiviuQueerArt https://www.etsy.com/shop/liviuqueerart
Oscar Gallegos https://oscargallegos.com/
Giorgio Dante https://www.giorgiodante.com/
Loic Le Phoque Fringant https://www.saatchiart.com/account/collection/403533
J.E. Art Gallery Sells his art using a YouTube channel.
Oleksandr Balbyshev https://www.saatchiart.com/balbyshev
Chris Mann https://chrismannart.wordpress.com/
Dmitry Bitjukov https://www.patreon.com/dmitry_bitjukov
Andrew Ogus https://www.andrewogus.com/
Homorocker Bloguero https://www.instagram.com/homorocker
Laceoni https://www.redbubble.com/people/laceoni/shop
St. Jinx Art https://stjinxart.com/shop/
Astro Zero https://www.astrazero.com/
Daniel Roemmelt https://www.instagram.com/danielroemmeltartist/
Christo Gunawan http://christogunawan.com/
Gustau Donat https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/GayDrawings
Andrew Cederwall https://www.andrewcederwall.com/
William Ulrich http://ulrichfineart.com/collections/119822
Oleg Levchenko Habibub https://www.ebay.com/str/habibub
David Jester https://www.instagram.com/d_jester_art/
Lin Jinfu https://www.instagram.com/linjinfuart/
Starting the next 50
Fernando Carpaneda https://carpaneda.com/paintings
NeilGayNudes https://www.etsy.com/shop/NeilGayNudes
Jorge Banderra https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArtByJorgeBandarra and https://linktr.ee/JorgeBandarra
Philip Gladstone Studio https://www.philipgladstonestudio.com/
Philip Shadbolt https://philipshadbolt.com/
Hongtao Huang https://hongtao---huang.pixels.com/
Essence of Man https://payhip.com/EssenceofMan
Blaue Tauben https://www.blauetauben.com/
Willibrord Haas https://www.willibrordhaas.de/masculin.htm
Troy Solomon art. https://www.troysalmon.com/
More coming.
Posting this for a better thumbnail.
I am putting this here for a better thumbnail. Though these two guys are important Gay artists.
John Coulthart's Feuilleton site also has a pretty good gay art collection along with articles on the artists, where they're showing and where their works can otherwise be seen.
http://bastiaanmol-art.com/ Is corrupted and no longer working. 🙁