Newsletter 20230320. HIV vaccine news. Lots of Gay art. Korean Pride event blocked.
Evangelical Christians are not popular. Repressive attitudes in the Gay community of how Gays can live their lives. Phallic Temple in Bangkok.
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Good article on current status of developing mRNA HIV vaccines.
The timeline is that mid-2023 they will have evaluated the Phase I testing information on the body’s immune response and the vaccine’s safety to decided on proceeding to larger trials. That is studies with larger numbers of people.
I have been reporting on HIV mRNA and other HIV vaccine development, but this is a good summary article recently published for the general reader and has some timeline information. I have an HIV vaccine page where I have links to reports and news articles along with some commentary. I have a link to that post at the end of this report.
It should be remembered even if the vaccine developed only has, let’s say, 50% protection, it would still have a great benefit to the Gay community. It should additionally be remembered that this is a new technology, and like other new technologies it will have development and improvements.
Gays generally are very pro-vaccine, but there are those who aren’t. When a HIV vaccine appears that is working, we need to have the highest rate of vaccination with it. I have a link to a post on how we should respond to those Gays who are anti-vaxxers.
This is a link to a page on the Moderna mRNA vaccines. You can see that they are developing many vaccines now.
One important thing you can see is that with mRNA vaccine technology you can have one shot work for more than one disease. If you go down the list you will see a combined covid + flu vaccine, flu + RSV vaccine and even a covid + flu + RSV vaccine. I think this is important. As we have more and more vaccines we will need to have shots that are multipurpose.
Further down the list you can see the HIV vaccines being tested at Stage 1. There are anti-cancer vaccines being tested and a vaccine for Zika. There have been studies that Zika might be an STD. The experience with mpox (monkeypox) should tell us that there can be new STDs emerging.
Korean LGBT can’t announce a Seoul Pride event yet for 2023 since the Korean government is blocking it.
This is the reply to my inquiry made earlier this week.
This anti-Gay agenda is driven by the Korean Christians. It is time to adopt a brass knuckles approach.
A temple to visit in Bangkok.
The repressive policing of who Gays can be.
The Gay community draws from the general society. The neo-Calvinist members of the LGBTQXYZ shouldn’t be telling us who is to be in the Gay community or how Gays should be.
Delmas Howe art.
Go further down the webpage and you will see his famous art of cowboys as Greek gods and in the nude at rodeos. His art came on the Gay scene in the 1980s. I am told he is still alive and active at 87.
Bran Solo has an Instagram account.
This guy does hilarious parodies of men who are in denial of their homosexual desires.
He plays a stupid character who is not self-reflecting. His humor can be a little rough and some of his humor isn’t relevant to gays, but some is relevant to Gays and is hilarious.
He does this routine, where he starts by saying he is “superstraight” or “straight as fuck” and “loves women” then the monologue goes along and it is fairly obvious he is trying to rationalize his own homosexual desires as not being contrary to his claim to be straight.
Poll results show that Evangelical Christians are really unpopular.
Being anti-Gay and generally obnoxious doesn’t make you popular. The general public doesn’t like the Evangelicals. The Gay community needs to realize they are vulnerable and we can push back, and not just sit around arguing about the Bible and hoping that they like us.
Complete in-depth report here.
The data is reviewed by David Gamble on his Medium blog. He is a good person; I have worked with him over the years.
When you look at the views of those who are NOT Evangelicals, the data is 18% Very or somewhat favorable; 49% neither favorable or unfavorable, or don’t know enough to say, and Very and Somewhat Unfavorable is 32%. The balance of opinion is -14% (-32 + 18 = -14).
Also, the people who don’t like Evangelicals are generally more educated, less likely in poverty and more influential. Evangelicals are generally not educated, are the type that don’t get vaccinated, and aren’t in positions of influence. We need to start being aggressive when they attack the Gay community.
How are mRNA Influenza and RSV vaccines a Gay issue?
Mostly they aren’t a Gay issue. They aren’t STDs and there is no particular reason Gays would get them as opposed to straights, except for one thing: Gays are overwhelmingly pro-vaccine and anti-Gay Evangelicals over often are anti-vaxxers.
Anti-Gay anti-vaxxers can’t do anything to attack Gays or support anti-Gay campaigns if they are dead, in the hospitals, or laid up at home sick. Additionally with hospitalization they will have bills which means less money to donate to anti-Gay organizations such as churches and other groups.
To take advantage of this differential in Gay versus Evangelicals response to mRNA vaccines we need to get vaccinated, support vaccines being available, and block anti-vaccine legislation.
We are not obligated to try to convince any anti-vaxxer to get vaccinated. It will almost certainly be a waste of time. Further if there is a shortage of a vaccine why would we want to make the members of the Gay community’s wait for the vaccine longer for the benefit of those who hate us?
Moderna is about to have a mRNA RSV vaccine. The results of Phase III trials are really good.
The death toll for RSV is about the same as influenza (check link below) and it primarily strikes older adults. If you are a Gay person over 60, you have survived a lot, don’t die of something like RSV or influenza.
I put a link to an article about vaccines being a Gay superpower at the end.
Their hopes and fears are fairly tragic. They all think that somehow, they will find a Gay person who will have sex with them and imagine them as a man. The reality is that they constantly deal with straight men who have a thing for transmen for heterosexual sex, and they will never be accepted as sexual partners by Gay men. Many of the posts ask for moral support because they are beginning to realize that and they work to prop up each other’s delusions.
Grindr doesn’t work for this transman and her expectations of heterosexual romance, so no one should use it. Because the transman isn’t able to use Gay men for his/her purposes, no one should use it, including Gays.
Built like an attractive woman with an “hourglass frame,” pre-op and Gays don’t want to sleep with me. Reality is so cruel.
Upset that Grindr isn’t like heterosexual romance.
Turns out that deceit isn’t popular on Grindr.
Transman upset that on Grindr he is unable to remain in the closet as a transman despite obviously being obvious.
Realizing that maybe the men interested in her are interested in her as a woman only.
Having a collision with reality.
This is a never-ending story in this sub-reddit. The person they are having a relation with accidently reveals that it isn’t a msm relationship, but in reality, it was heterosexuality.
Transman worries about getting pregnant. Transman still thinks that at some point he will be able to be in the Gay community as a Gay man.
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