I was born into a Catholic family and got confirmed, but left the church at 18 when I came out. For ten years, I subscribed to no religion and did the “spiritual but not religious” thing, but then was introduced to Unitarian Universalism and dove in at Arlington Street Church in Boston for ten years. Today, I embrace Paganism, and have been learning about its diverse and many paths for the past 15 years or so. All of this is to say that my spiritual path went exactly the way this article suggests and I would like to shout out a huge “YES!” to the author’s suggestion here. And it’s not just the gay community that should venture beyond the christian cosmology. All young people, all people who realize we’ve broken our connection to the planet and to one another, all progressive people should look beyond the Christian cosmology. I looked to my ancestors and found magic and Paganism. What will you find? You won’t know until you look. Great article!!

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Thanks for your inputs. I want to be clear so you understand my approach. I feel some people will be atheists and some will be non-Christian and I don't think it is reasonable to think that people will go all for one or the other. I am working with the atheists to understand this. My police is a dual track. Support atheists in doing useful things rather than gripping, such as defending the Gay community, and those who are spiritual to help a path away from Christianity.

There is an atheist group and one of their key points is to know who your friends are and who ISN'T your enemy. So no attacks on Taoism, Pagans, Buddhists, etc. They are potential allies. Stop having a Eurocentric atheism.

On the non-Christian side I am trying to bring to America alternatives to Christianity. I might even get a Rabbit God shrine for one of my lots.

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